Most of the diseases that disturb women can be undetectable, at times the symptoms are hard to identify as they often appear like pre-menstrual symptoms or pain. If you notice some signs that bother you, it is recommended that you visit a doctor. For instance, about 90% of most women diagnosed with breast cancer survive in its early stages.
You should know some telling symptoms for early detection of any disease:
1: Bleeding After Menopause
This refers to any blood noticed after the onset of menopause. It could be a sign of cervicitis, myoma, uterine cancer, and other pathological issues.
If the woman takes hormonal supplements, she might notice a similar issue to menstruation for about two years after the onset of menopause, and this is normal.
If this is noticed in any other situation, it is a sign of a problem and a doctor should be seen immediately, especially if a year has passed after your last period, and menstruation is noticed.
2: Heavy Periods
The reasons for this could be quite simple (for instance, it could be caused by a hereditary condition, exercising too much, or adjusting to a new environment or climate), or severe (for instance, the presence of an endometriosis thyroid dysfunction or a uterine myoma). Even if you believe that the condition is hereditary, you should still see a doctor as heavy periods can cause anemia.
You can tell that something is wrong if your period lasts for more than 7 days, especially if it is bright red. A normal cycle is 21 to 35 days long, and it should be stable.
3: Hair in Places That Should Be Bald
This could be caused by hirsutism or excessive body hair due to the presence of excess male hormones in the female body. The change in physical appearance is not the worst part, it is the risk of infertility, increased risk of breast cancer, a metabolic disorder, or risk of endometrial disease.
It is not unusual as most women believe that all body hair is excessive, see an endocrinologist if you think you have a problem.
4: Increased Urinating
This could signify a kidney or urinary tract infection or problem. It could also mean a hormonal or vaginal microflora imbalance. If you have associated symptoms such as frequent urination and increased thirst, it could be an indication of diabetes.
If you visit the bathroom more often than you usually do, it could signify a problem. If you drink the usual amount of water, you should visit the bathroom 4 to 10 times daily. See a general practitioner or urologist if it is more frequent than that.
5: Unusual Excretions
This is an indication of an infection or inflammation. It could be caused by a variety of reasons, and it is advisable to consult a doctor if you think that something is wrong with your metabolic processes.
A common indication is when your excretions are green in color or give out a foul or bad odor. It is normal if you have bloody excretions in between your periods (this usually occurs at least 2 weeks before your next menstrual period).
6: Unexplainable Weight Loss
If you notice that you have lost a good number of pounds, you should not be overjoyed as this can be an indication of type 2 diabetes, Crohn’s disease, or cancer. It means that there is something wrong with your body.
If you have lost a total of 10 to 15 pounds within 6 to 12 months, and you did not exercise or have a diet change, it is recommended that you see a doctor.
7: Changes in the Breasts
The initial symptoms of breast cancer can be difficult to notice. Once it reaches the stage where there is noticeable pain in the lymph nodes and breasts, it would have been late.
Always try your possible best to examine yourself for any changes, so you can be in tune with your body. This is extremely useful in the early detection of the onset of breast cancer, especially red or wrinkled skin, unusual lumps, and more.
Periodic pain in the breasts is normal and it usually means there is a fluctuation in hormonal levels.
Be sure to see a mammologist or a gynecologist at least twice a year to examine and discuss all health issues. When it comes to your health, there is no room to be uncomfortable about asking questions.
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