
Ten Warnings signs you Get When your Kidneys Start Failing



Our body does a lot while our minds take in data. Having a busy life might make it difficult to see the warning signs coming from our body. The repercussions for not listening to these signs our body is giving us could be disastrous.

We have gathered the most warning signs for you when your kidneys start failing be careful with number 5. ??

10. Difficulty in Sleeping

Trouble sleeping

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Toxins stay in the blood system because they’re not leaving the body via urine and this makes it difficult for your kidneys to work well.  You may be finding it difficult to sleep due to too many toxins in your body. The chances of your kidney failing increases when you don’t sleep well.

You should also know that sleep apnea is a disorder that affects a lot of people with serious Kidney Disease, it deals with breaks in breathing while sleeping. Some of these breaks in breathing may last for some seconds or minutes. Normal breathing resumes after the break with a big sniff. Snoring deeply all the time is a sign that you need to visit your doctor.

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